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About me

As far as I remember I always loved History and telling people about it and showing the best places to eat, have fun, and the best things to do.


Born in Normandy near Lisieux, both my grand-parents lived through the German occupation, and both were in the french Resistance.


That really started my passion for digging in the past.

Afer an education in Lisieux I went studying History, and Journalism in Paris at the Sorbonne.


Then, I worked for some years in Paris, then moved to England.

 I came back to my beloved country in 2009.


I started doing tours for friends from California, years ago, then friends of their friends, and I now take people on my tours who now become my new friends ;o)


I am a professional guide for three years now, and I really love it !


I know and love my region. I have been here almost all my life,

( 41 years. . . too much ;o) and I have so many things to show you.

I have lived elsewhere but I can tell you that the "Paradise" is for me "here" in the green pastures of Normandy.


I am married and have two lovely daughters.


The real kick in the "job" is to meet amazing people, have them fall in love with Normandy, and then have them come again and again, and again.

As a real History buff I now can take people on Vikings tours, sailing a real Viking ship, and see how our ancestors lived.


I try as much as possible to do things th best as I can. I am a perfectionnist I assume.


"Beauty lies in the details"


Besides, I am also a "gourmand".

I love cooking and finding new and good places to eat in Normandy, no good for the waist, especially here with the cheese and creamy diet.


I review restaurants quite often for some cooking guides and I can bring you on a "Foodie tour " tasting some local cheese, cider and Calvados- Normandy apple brandy.


I will sure see you very soon one  on of my Tours.




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